The Late William John Macdonald, from Flesherin, Isle of Lewis

I heard of the sad news of my cousin (first cousin once removed) passed away on the 3rd January 24, I met him on and off over the years and when I did it was a wonderful time. 

I remember as a kid, his dad, my granny's brother coming round to visit, I vaguely remember Willie John working on cars, he always worked on old cars.

When my uncle Roddy was dying of cancer, Willie John came round to visit, we spent hours talking about the Bible and our relationship with the Lord Jesus. 

He used to talk about, how he was visiting different churches preaching and kept to using the Gaelic KJV bible or our English KJV version. I remember his church was turning over to the ESV bible and he impressed on me to keep to the KJV Authorised Bible. 

I also remember he used to meet up with the Catholic priest and have Bible studies together, Willie John knew of the power of the Word.

He was such a powerful man of prayer and as I watched his funeral they spoke that he loved the Psalms, I remember my aunty Marion always reading the Psalms. 

He always told me that the Psalms were so important in worship.

Colossians 3:16 KJV 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

I am so glad Willie-John is with the Lord now, and I want to share with you below the funeral service at Garrabost Free Church for him. These guys at the church knew him very well and have better words then me.


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